Headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse® (TSL) are located near Gardiner, Montana, about 30 miles as the eagle flies from beautiful Yellowstone Falls pictured above.
The organization has affiliated operations to support its mission of publishing and applying the teachings of the ascended masters including Church Universal and Triumphant, Royal Teton Ranch, the Inner Retreat, Summit University, and Summit University Press.
TSL sponsors the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity whose members are dedicated to holding the flame of Life, freedom, and liberty for people around the world. Members and local spiritual communities are located in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Russia, Africa, the Philippines, and Australia.
The Summit Lighthouse (TSL)
TSL Bookstore
Keepers of the Flame Fraternity (for both men and women)
The fraternity offers a series of lessons based on the ascended masters' teachings
that gradually instill the science of nurturing the flame of Life for yourself, your family,
nation, and the world.
Church Universal and Triumphant
Websites with specific teachings of the ascended masters
The Violet Flame
You Tube: simonesvioletflamevideos
Free spiritual lessons on the chakras, archangels, karma, and Sanat Kumara.
Summit Lighthouse Ascended Master Free Encyclopedia
Free access to Pearls of Wisdom online
Log into the website. Select one of the ascended masters or the messenger Elizabeth Clare
Prophet from the drop down list. Click Search then select one of the Pearls found. If you
know the volume number and Pearl number you want, enter these before clicking Search.
The messengers have published hundreds of books of the ascended masters teachings as well as DVD lectures, dictations, and recorded spiritual music and bhajans from the East. Learn more about these publications at the TSL Bookstore link above.
Listed below are publications mentioned on this website or otherwise recommended for new students. Publications by the messengers are marked MLP for Mark L. Prophet and ECP for Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
The Afterlife-What Really Happens in the Hereafter by ECP.
Karma and Reincarnation-Transcending Your Past, Transforming Your Future by ECP and Patricia Spadaro, (Pocket Guide).
Reincarnaton and Karma by Edgar Cayce.
Reincarnation-the Missing Link in Christianity by ECP.
Messages from Heaven by Patricia Kirmond. This is an extraordinary teaching about what life is like in an etheric retreat between incarnations. Mr. Kirmond passed on and found himself able to communicate with family members. He tells about his experience in a retreat after death and makes recommendations for accelerating spirituality because earth is in a critical period. This spiritual connection was approved by the ascended masters.
Science of the Spoken Word
The Science of the Spoken Word by MLP and ECP.
Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees (decree book).
Heart, Head and Hand Decrees (booklet).
Violet Flame
Violet Flame-Alchemy for Personal Change by ECP.
Violet Flame-To Heal Body, Mind, and Soul by ECP. (Pocket Guide)
Introductory Topics
The Human Aura by ECP. (Teachings from Kuthumi and Djwal Kul)
Your Seven Energy Centers by ECP and Patricia Spadaro. (Pocket Guide).
The Chela and the Path by ECP
Prayer and Meditation by ECP.​ (Teachings from Jesus and Kuthumi)
The Masters and Their Retreats by MLP and ECP.
Saint Germain on Alchemy by MLP and ECP.
Discourses on Cosmic Law by MLP.
The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America by ECP.
Dossier on the Ascension by MLP. (Teachings from Serapis Bey)
Classic books on the ascended masters and their teachings
I AM Movement, Saint Germain Press
Unveiled Mysteries
The Magic Presence
The I AM Discourses
Spiritual Psychology
Understanding Yourself by MLP and ECP. (Teachings from Jesus and Kuthumi)
Books by Marilyn Barrick, PhD, Psychologist.
Sacred Psychology of Love
Sacred Psychology of Change
Everything is Energy
Background on Fallen Angels and Extrateresstrials
Fallen Angels and the Origin of Evil by ECP.
The Soulless One by MLP.
Pocket Guides - Miscellaneous Subjects in small book format (all by ECP)
How to Work with Angels
Your Seven Energy Centers
Archangel Michael
Saint Germain Master Alchemist
Soul Mates and Twin Flames
Teachings about and from Jesus the Christ
The Word by ECP. Volumes 5-8.
The Lost Years of Jesus by ECP.
The Lost Teachings of Jesus by MLP and ECP, two volumes.
Advanced Teachings
Climb the Highest Mountain Series, Volumes 1-9 by MLP and ECP.
Opening of the Seventh Seal-Teachings from Sanat Kumara by ECP.
Unveiling the Mysteries of Revelation, an audio lecture by ECP.
Website Links